Membership Challenge!

  • Monday, November 12, 2018 6:48 AM
    Reply # 6900390 on 6899871
    JAY SCHRADER (Administrator)

    Aaron the flyer looks great!  I have long been a member of all three organizations and have benefited from the discounts. Membership gives me opportunities to better myself professionally and also supports the belief that we have a responsibility to provide quality care for those who are in need of our services. 

  • Sunday, November 11, 2018 11:51 PM
    Message # 6899871
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Hey everyone!  As some of you know, I am very passionate about membership of all three levels of the American Mental Health Counselors Association, because each level (local/SMHCA, state/FMHCA, and national/AMHCA) helps you in different and important ways, so that you can continue doing the work you're so passionate about.  I have attached both PDF and JPG versions of a promotional flyer.  I'm hoping each of you will post it on our social media pages with the hashtag #MentalHealthCounselors to support membership in our associations.  

    2 files

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