Important Update from 491 Board on "Duty to Warn"

  • Sunday, July 07, 2019 9:41 PM
    Reply # 7767817 on 7729767

    Thanks so much Aaron.  

  • Wednesday, July 03, 2019 6:24 AM
    Reply # 7736009 on 7729767
    JAY SCHRADER (Administrator)

    Thank you Aaron.

  • Tuesday, July 02, 2019 4:21 PM
    Message # 7729767
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Hello, fellow SMHCA members.  You may have already seen an email from the 491 board regarding the passage of SB 1418, which was signed into law and became effective 7/1.  Prior to the passage of this law, if a client expressed an intent to seriously harm an identifiable person in the near future (and has the ability to follow through with it), the LMHC was NOT technically required by law to breech confidentiality but was protected by law in the even that he or she exercised this option.  However, we are now REQUIRED by law to do so.  In truth, I have always told my students and interns that they should always exercise duty to warn from an ethical and civil perspective, but now it is also illegal to not exercise it.  I have attached the email from the 491 Board.

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