Therapist Specializing in Behavioral Problems of Young Children

  • Tuesday, September 03, 2019 7:28 AM
    Reply # 7861354 on 7859489
    Deleted user

    Hi Aaron,

    Millyan Cabrera is great! Her website is:

    I hope this helps!


  • Monday, September 02, 2019 9:48 AM
    Reply # 7860017 on 7859489
    JAY SCHRADER (Administrator)

    Jim Wasenda at (727) 386-8900 works with young boys(not that young though) and gave me a resource several years ago for a woman in Pinellas that specializes in young children with behavior problems.  I can't find the resource but you could refer to Jim and I am sure you would get what you need.

  • Sunday, September 01, 2019 10:37 PM
    Message # 7859489
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Hello, colleagues!  A local LCSW has contacted me in search for a therapist with a particular area of specialization (see message below).  Please reply if this is you, or if you know of a good resource, and I will pass it along:

    "Can you recommend a therapist for a 1 ½ year old boy who has started biting and hitting other children at daycare?"

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