Daniel Pol was introduced to me by Dr. Guinta at the SMHCA Training. He shared that he was conducting a research study. I asked him to email me with the details so I could send the information to the Board Members. Please read below. Thanks! Janice
Hi Delia,
This Daniel Pol, we met yesterday at Troy University during the SMHCA's monthly meeting. I am a doctoral learner at Grand Canyon University. I am conducting a qualitative research study to explore how therapists perceive their most effective techniques in re-engaging clients diagnosed with mood disorders.
I am recruiting individuals that meet these criteria:
- Must have at least two years of clinical experience of postgraduate training in psychotherapy and action-oriented models.
The Focus group activities will be audio and video-recorded, approximately 60 minutes but no less than 30 minutes. The focus group activity, if approved by SMHCA’s board members, will take place at Troy University, Tampa Bay, on (Date TBD) following SMHCA’s monthly meeting.
Participation in this study is voluntary; however, I will give away four $25.00 gift cards among the focus group participants. Participants must sign a consent form. Participants’ data will be handled confidentially within the limits of the law, carefully organized, and managed to ensure no unauthorized use. Participants’ personal information other than years of experience as a mental health counselor, gender, and areas of expertise will not be linked to any interviews or data analysis. All data in this study will be protected by assigning pseudonyms or individual codes to each participant.
Daniel Pol
PS: If approved, please forward the approval letter with SMHCA's letterhead to dpol@my.gcu.edu