COVID-19, Telehealth, and Insurers

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  • Sunday, April 05, 2020 8:29 PM
    Reply # 8880542 on 8849011
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Email from Optum clarifies, “on a temporary basis, health care providers, qualified and licensed in accordance with applicable regulations,  may use audio or video communications technology immediately to deliver telephonic and telehealth care to Optum Behavioral Health plan members in addition to any HIPAA-approved telehealth technology as long as this method will effectively support the behavioral health needs of the individual member. Please note this policy applies temporarily to all benefit plans to cover telehealth services and there are other potentially applicable federal and state privacy laws that could impact this temporary accommodation.” 

  • Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:40 PM
    Reply # 8859472 on 8849011
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Beacon Update:


    "Beacon is not requiring any contract adjustments or signed attestation to provide services to Beacon members at this time...Provided telehealth services are covered by a specific member’s Plan, Beacon will allow reimbursement for covered services delivered through telephone or telehealth so long as such services are clinically appropriate. Providers are reminded, however, that state confidentiality may still apply."

    Read the official letter here.

  • Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:38 PM
    Reply # 8859471 on 8849011
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Hello, Janice.  That's a great question.  I imagine it would take volunteers who are willing to commit time to calling insurers on the behalf of the associations and asking who they can forward the letter to.

    Last modified: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:38 PM | Aaron Norton (Administrator)
  • Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:15 AM
    Reply # 8853821 on 8849011

    FMHCA created an "open letter" to insurers in Florida calling on them to take efforts to make elemental health accessible to all their clients (see attached).  Now, it'll take our combined efforts to get the letter out to the insurers! 

    What is the best way to do this?

  • Tuesday, March 24, 2020 12:05 AM
    Reply # 8852618 on 8849011
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Humana One/TriCare:

    "TRICARE covers the use of interactive audio/video technology services, and are subject to the same referral and authorization requirements and include, but are not limited to: clinical consultations, office visits and telemental health."

    See attached for more.

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  • Monday, March 23, 2020 5:20 PM
    Reply # 8850649 on 8849011
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    FMHCA created an "open letter" to insurers in Florida calling on them to take efforts to make elemental health accessible to all their clients (see attached).  Now, it'll take our combined efforts to get the letter out to the insurers! 

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  • Monday, March 23, 2020 5:13 PM
    Reply # 8850603 on 8849011
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Here's the latest from Optum/United (see attached).  Among other things, the notice reads:

    "Until April 30, 2020, Optum Behavioral Health will reimburse appropriate claims for telehealth services according to the following:

    Commercial: For all Optum Behavioral Health commercial plans, any telehealth services provided via a real-time audio and video communication system can be billed for members at home or another location.

    Billing guidelines: Optum Behavioral Health will reimburse telehealth services which use standard CPT codes and a GT modifier or a Place of Service of 02 for both video-enabled virtual visits and telephonic sessions to indicate the visit was conducted remotely."

    Also, here is the link to be added to the directory of virtual visits:

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  • Monday, March 23, 2020 12:19 PM
    Reply # 8849872 on 8849011
    JAY SCHRADER (Administrator)

    Thanks for this information Aaron!

  • Monday, March 23, 2020 9:37 AM
    Reply # 8849546 on 8849011

    Aaron, this is a great idea! I will be making phone calls and will share what I find out. Thanks again!

  • Sunday, March 22, 2020 9:38 PM
    Reply # 8849034 on 8849011
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Attached, you will find a letter from Beacon Health Options dated 3/20/20 indicating that:

    1. "Beacon is not requiring any contact adjustments or signed attestation to provide [telehealth] services to members at this time."
    2. "Beacon is not imposing specific requirements for technologies used to deliver services via telehealth," though providers are still "encouraged to use appropriate HIPAA compliant telehealth platforms to communicate with individuals."
    3. "Clinical documentation for telehealth services is the same as face-to-face documentation for services."
    Re. whether members have telhelath coverage, this still unclear.  A second attachment dated 3/20 reads, "Where telephonic or telehealth services are covered by a members' Plan, Beacon will permit providers to delivery clinically appropriate, medically necessary covered services to members via telephone or telehealth (secure live video conferencing) during the COVID-19 crisis."  To me, that means that it depends on the client's plan.

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