May 15, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

  • Tuesday, May 19, 2020 9:54 PM
    Message # 8980706

    May 15, 2020 Virtual Board of Directors Meeting 

    Meeting called to order at 2:38 PM by Delia “Janice” LaTorre-President

    Present were:  David Swindall-Colleague Collaboration, Amy Enkling-Secretary, Amy Datla-Past President, Dierdra-Sanders-Burnett-Past President, Jay Schrader-Parliamentarian, Aaron Norton-Legislative Update, Jennifer “Cindy” Brenner-Treasurer, Cathi Hodge-Membership Committee, Steve Wodzinski-Military Interest, Cristina Gonzalez-Professional Development                                            (*Please let me know if I missed or wrongfully added anyone.)

    Approval of Consent Agenda

    David Swindall moved to approve Consent Agenda as presented, Ken Donaldson seconded the motion.

    Colleague Collaboration by David Swindall

    • ·         16 people attended.  Discussion on when opening offices up.  Also announced that we will be doing meetings over Summer months-- July and August—from  12:30 to 1:30 PM.

    Membership Committee Update by Cathi Hodge

    Committee consolidation:

    • ·         Still condensing from 12 committees to 6 as posted in last month’s minutes, but added Historian to membership committee.
    • ·         Chairs appointed will remain the same
    • o   Will meet as a committee, then report as a whole
    • o   This will help us to be more streamlined and provide for increased collaboration
    • o   Voting—recommending that each committee chairperson will now be the only voting board members—plus ½ of board members in attendance within each individual meeting.
    • o   FMHCA –  Per Aaron Norton—They do a motion, motion is seconded , discussion about motion, then President calls for a vote, and motion carries or is defeated.
    • o   SMHCA—Posed on board forum, and then motion happens more quickly.

    *Committees are now consolidated.

    Military Interest by Steve Wodzinski

    • ·         Counselors provide members of SMHCA with what VA and military resources are available
    • ·         This can be viewed through
    • ·         Ken Donaldson and Steve Wodzinski will work on this.

    Nominations Committee Update by Delia “Janice” LaTorre

    • ·         Membership at Large- Amy Datla will now be included as a Board Member at Large
    • ·         Cathi Hodge, Amy Datla, and Cindi Brenner were nominated to be on the Nominations Committee
    • ·         Gail will send out an email blast about nominees, we will then present candidates virtually, and there will be 2 weeks to vote.
    • ·         We will also exit current officers & include new officers.
    • ·         Janice will sent out email to board members first for interest, along with previous board members, and is asking us to reach out to ask 2 people we know if they’d like to become a board member for open board member positions (someone who wants to be committed to this opportunity).

    Regisgtered MHC Intern Update

    Congratulations Brandy on becoming licensed!  We will need a replacement.

    • ·         Amy Enkling will reach out to Beginning Counselors of Florida and Tampa Bay Mental Health Counselors pages via Facebook.

    New Business

    Discussion on meeting minutes software programs.

    • ·         Many out there that give benefits of:  If you have a quorum that day, records the minutes, etc.

    Unfinished Business

    Proposed SMHCA Annual Calendar of Events  for 2020-2021

    • ·         Please look at calendar so we can have it finalized for next year.
    • ·         Calendar will then be posted in June.

    SMHCA Socials  by Amy Enkling

    • ·         Dierdra , Janice and Amy E. will work on SMHCA Socials survey questions for email blast to SMHCA members

    Discussion on video quality for presenters if we are doing virtual trainings for now:

    • ·         Aaron gives presenter a trial run pre-presenting
    • o   Has 11 different points covered
    • o   We need 2 tracking numbers from CE Broker for pre recordings. 
    • §  There are many ways to go about it.  Video edited and do a post-webinar quiz and then they need to score 80% at completion of training—Aaron will find out if we need this under  491 Board, and will get with CE Broker
    • ·         Do they want to do video editing or not?
    • ·         Where do they want to house the video?
    • ·          YouTube recordings can be posted as private, as opposed to general public view
    • ·         Ask presenters if they want certain parts included or not that they sign off on.

    Discussion on moving to National Louis in the Fall—nothing to report further at this time.

    Legislative Update by Aaron Norton

    • ·         Call to reach out to our legislators for a call to action to allow LMHC’s to provide and bill services for Medicare clients during COVID19.
    • ·         Interstate Compacts is the movement to get other states for licensure portability.

    Meeting adjourned at 4:04

    Not present were:  Amanda DePippo-Counselor Educator, Tom Economos-Community Outreach Coordinator/Community Liaison, Tatiana Bryan-Graduate Student Representative, Jessica Villicana-Graduate Student Representative, Sally Mallery-Historian, Tony Williams-Military Interest              (*Please let me know if I missed or wrongfully added anyone.)

    Respectfully submitted by Amy Enkling-Secretary




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