Feedback on The Wave in Clearwater

  • Friday, May 29, 2020 5:46 AM
    Reply # 9000380 on 8996202

     Our treatment options include Mental Health only, and America’s #1 alternative to 12-step treatment approach to recovery. So, if you or a loved one is ready to STOP THE PAIN, give us a call today!”

     This is from their website. Whenever a treatment program makes claims like this I get concerned.  

    I’d be inclined to do a lot of research on them and with them. I’d call their clinical director and see if they’ll talk with you. If they do I would ask many questions listening closely to what the answers are and also how they answer them. I’d definitely ask them about their website claim of being America’s #1 treatment program and how they came to that conclusion. 

    I do a very thorough review of treatment programs if I’m planning to refer someone. I’ve found many times either the clinical director will not talk with me or when they do they can’t answer some very basic questions about the their treatment protocols or outcomes. 

  • Friday, May 29, 2020 5:35 AM
    Reply # 9000342 on 8996202

    Take online reviews with a grain of salt but they’re worth reading. I’ll post more later if I find more.  

  • Friday, May 29, 2020 12:36 AM
    Reply # 8999813 on 8996202

    Victoria Distefano works there as a therapist.  I let her know someone was looking for information, and told her I would let you know to give my name when you reach out to her. Here’s her number.  (727) 744-8732 

    Last modified: Friday, May 29, 2020 12:37 AM | Anonymous
  • Thursday, May 28, 2020 12:09 PM
    Reply # 8998257 on 8996202
    JAY SCHRADER (Administrator)

    Heard about it when they first started marketing but have had no follow up or client information since.

  • Wednesday, May 27, 2020 4:09 PM
    Message # 8996202
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Hey, everyone.  Does anyone have any feedback on a program called The Wave in Clearwater?  Good program?  Had any clients who have been happy/unhappy with it?  

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