Are you swamped????

  • Monday, October 05, 2020 8:03 AM
    Reply # 9284139 on 9283117

    Thanks Aaron. I’ll post it on a few MHP groups that I’m in. 

  • Sunday, October 04, 2020 3:09 PM
    Message # 9283117
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Hello, everyone.  In the AMHCA open forum, counselors all over the country have been reporting increases in workload, likely due to the pandemic.  It has occurred to me that it would be nice for us to collect some more concrete data on what seems to be a nationwide phenomenon of increased workloads during the pandemic.  I devised a brief, informal, anonymous 12-question survey for this purpose.  I will share the results with everyone on the forum, and you can all feel free to refer to the survey data for presentations, discussions, association webinars, articles, etc.  The survey is not part of an institutional research project, dissertation, etc.  It is just for us to use within our community.  I'm wondering if you'd be willing to take a few minutes to complete it, and please share it with other counselors as well:

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