TriCare Question

  • Tuesday, October 27, 2020 11:02 AM
    Reply # 9328745 on 9324732


    I've had the same experience as Misty. 


  • Monday, October 26, 2020 10:39 AM
    Reply # 9326258 on 9324732

    Greetings All, I've been a sole Tricare provider for years.   The rate for a 90837 was $72.41 back in 2917, then significantly dropped to 64.96 in 2018. In 2019, the rate increased to $66.87 then to the current rate of $68.97.  A few months ago, I requested an 10% rate, which was declined.  I haven't heard the news about the rate declining again; although, I never get notification of any kind from Tricare.  I'm so confused, Mental Health is a hot topic, but no-one wants to sad.  If Tricare significantly lowers their rate again...I'm dropping the mic, "peace out".  

  • Sunday, October 25, 2020 1:55 PM
    Message # 9324732
    Aaron Norton (Administrator)

    Hello, everyone.  I have been asked to post on our forum and inquire as to whether any counselors who are in network with TriCare have noticed a recent reduction in contracted rates and, if so, what that reduction looks like.  The question was posted by our sister chapter in Georgia, which recently published a brief written by one of their members (see attachment).  Please reply with any details you may have.  Thanks!

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